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Setting Objectives for the Year Ahead: A Guide for Safety Professionals

One for our fellow safety professionals and those with responsibility for the safety of others... As safety professionals, the dawn of a new year presents a unique opportunity to recalibrate our goals and sharpen our focus. Setting objectives is not just about compliance and risk management; it's about fostering a safety culture and continuous improvement. In this post, we'll explore how to set meaningful, achievable objectives for the year ahead, ensuring that they are aligned with organisational strategy and contribute to the broader landscape of workplace safety.

Understanding the Landscape

Before diving into objective setting, it's crucial to understand the evolving landscape of health and safety. The past year has likely brought changes in legislation, emerging risks, and possibly shifts in organisational priorities. Keeping abreast of these changes ensures that our objectives are relevant and forward-thinking.

SMART Safety Goals

The SMART framework is a tried and tested method for setting objectives, and it applies perfectly to our field:

  1. Specific: Vague goals are the hardest to achieve. For instance, instead of aiming to 'reduce workplace incidents', aim for 'reducing machinery-related incidents by 20%’.

  2. Measurable: Attach numbers or clear indicators to your goals. How will you measure the reduction in incidents or improvements in safety training completion rates?

  3. Achievable: While ambition is important, unrealistic goals can demotivate. Ensure your targets are challenging yet attainable within the given timeframe and resources.

  4. Relevant: Each goal should align with your organisation’s overall safety strategy and contribute to its broader objectives.

  5. Time-bound: Set clear deadlines. A goal without a timeline is just a wish. Whether it's quarterly reviews or a year-end assessment, deadlines create urgency and focus.

Engaging Stakeholders

The most effective safety objectives are those that have buy-in from across the organisation. Engage with various stakeholders – from senior management to front-line employees – to understand their perspectives and incorporate their insights. This collaboration enriches your objectives and fosters a more inclusive safety culture.

Leveraging Technology

In today's digital age, technology can be a powerful ally in achieving your safety goals. From data analytics for risk assessment to e-learning platforms for training, the right technology can streamline processes, provide real-time data, and enhance overall safety performance.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

The world of health and safety is ever-evolving, and so should our approach to objective setting. Regularly review and adjust your goals in response to new challenges, learnings, and achievements. This adaptive approach ensures that your objectives remain relevant and impactful throughout the year.


Setting objectives for the year ahead is more than a procedural task; it’s an opportunity to redefine our approach to workplace safety. By making our goals SMART, engaging stakeholders, embracing technology, and staying adaptable, we can set the stage for a year of meaningful progress and heightened safety culture.

As we step into this new year, let's recommit ourselves to not just meeting standards, but exceeding them, not just preventing harm, but actively promoting well-being. Here's to a safe, successful, and fulfilling year ahead in the ever-dynamic health and safety field.

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