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How is your Safety Management System stacking up?

Updated: Jan 19

When it comes to the well-being of your workforce and the smooth operation of your business, having a robust safety management system (SMS) is essential. A well-crafted SMS is a testament to your company’s commitment to safeguarding its employees and operational integrity. Let’s explore the current state of your SMS and see how it measures up against industry standards.

Understanding the Safety Policy: The What and Why

At the heart of any SMS lies the Safety Policy. This foundational element articulates your commitment to health and safety, laying out the aims and driving principles behind all safety-related activities within your organisation. It’s essential to periodically review your Safety Policy to ensure that it remains relevant and reflective of both the current legislative landscape and your organisational ethos.

The Procedural Framework: The How

Procedures are the detailed pathways that describe the ‘how’ of your safety operations. They encompass the entirety of your safety practices, from risk assessments and incident reporting to compliance with regulations such as COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) and PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations). A strong SMS has procedures that are clear, well-documented, and accessible, facilitating consistent safety practices across the board.

Defining Responsibilities: The Who

Accountability cannot be ambiguous in a sound SMS. It's vital to have clearly defined roles and responsibilities at all levels of the organisation. These responsibilities must be effectively communicated and monitored to ensure compliance and to foster a culture of safety where everyone knows their specific duties.

Objective-Setting and Targeting Success

Objectives and targets are not just aspirational; they should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) and mutually agreed upon. They are the benchmarks against which you can measure your SMS’s effectiveness. Regularly review these objectives to ensure they are aligned with your overall safety policy and are driving continuous improvement.

Communication and Engagement

For an SMS to truly function, communication must flow both ways. It is not just about passing down instructions; it’s about engagement, understanding, and feedback. Every member of your team should understand not only what is expected of them but also why their role is crucial to the broader journey of safety within the company.

Monitoring, Measurement, and Support

Your SMS should include a robust mechanism for monitoring and measurement, which involves both internal and external audits and inspections. This oversight is crucial in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring compliance. Additionally, support, whether internal or external, is a cornerstone of a well-functioning SMS, offering guidance and expertise when necessary.

Forms, Documents, and Guidance Notes

Documentation such as risk assessments, pre-use check forms, codes of practice, and external guidance notes are the nuts and bolts of your SMS. They should be up to date and readily available to all employees. This documentation is the tangible evidence of your safety processes and is essential for both compliance and training purposes.

Assessing your current Safety Management System against these pillars can reveal a lot about its efficacy. If your SMS aligns well with these elements, you are on the right track. However, if you find gaps or outdated or underdeveloped areas, it may be time to consider a review and revamp of your system.

Safety is not a static target but an evolving journey that adapts with your business. Revisiting and revitalising your SMS ensures that your organisation not only complies with the law but also protects its most valuable asset — its people. If you’re looking to evaluate, improve, or establish your Safety Management System, our team of expert safety consultants is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your business remains safe, compliant, and efficient.

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